Operoo form sent to all families request a response 

Plenty Valley Region Gathering 2023   Space Camp

Date  Friday, March 10, 2023, to Monday, March 13, 2023 (Labour Day Long Weekend).

Place   Mafeking Rover Park, 338 Caveat-Dropmore Rd, Caveat.

Camping is in tents (provided by the group or bring your own) Sleeping mats or stretchers are recommended

( A full recommended kit list will be available soon)

There will be scout groups from all over plenty valley in attendance (about 2000)

10th Ivanhoe will camp and be catering as a group and all sections will be in attendance. Our participation at this camp will rely heavily on adult assistance . For transport,setting up and packing up camp and catering. If we do not get enough adults attending 10th Ivanhoe will not be able to participate.


CAMP FEE $90 PER YOUTH MEMBER ( camp fee $45 food $45) (Payable to 10th Ivanhoe)

CAMP FEE $75 for adults & Rovers (Must be a registered adult helper and have a WWC and police check )

CAMP FEE  FREE  for trained leaders ( paid by the group)

Registration can only proceed when this form has been submitted and payment has been received..