The group committee / council is the group of Adults that make up the committee , the leaders , adult helpers and others that are involved in the running .of our scout group

On the evening of Monday 16/01/23 7:30pm we will be having our first group council meeting for 2023.

The group council is a meeting of the group committee and the unit leaders. Some scout groups have these meetings independently and some combine them. I prefer in most instances to have everyone together where possible.

For our first meeting this year i am inviting all adults in our group to attend. If you would like to offer some assistance to the group. Maybe joining the committee, become a leader or you just want to see what goes on, this is your opportunity.

I would ask all leaders, adult helpers and committee to please attend if possible.

RSVP Friday 13/01/23

If you have items to put on the agenda please send them to me ASAP

  1. Quick summary of past few months - ( monster raffle, Xmas trees, works around the hall, leader retirements etc)

  2. Follow up from previous meeting – (a) vegetable garden proposal, (b) confirmation of Jonathan Levin as Treasurer, (c) welcome pack for new parents, (d) Events Coordinator role to be filled, (e) update on activity polo

  3. New leaders

  4. Membership levels - waiting list

  5. Fees for 2023-2024

    • working bee levy

    • zero or reduced group fees for trained leaders?

  6. Working bee (clean up outside) date ?

  7. Region camp March 10-13

  8. Group camp TBA

  9. Cuborree 2023 Sept 25-29

  10. Hall cleaning

  11. Future works

  12. Grants - first aid , IT system etc