10th Ivanhoe scout hall (A)-- 8A Wallace st Ivanhoe 3079 - Down the lane adjacent to Nellie Ibbot park
HALL (B) 52 Ford st hall - Q-store - storage and Xmas tree sales
08/11/2024 Boost camp was a hoot
A few weeks ago 54 youth members leaders and adults participated in the Boost camp at Bay Park "Mt Martha" and the reports i am hearing back is that everyone had a fantastic time. Christine D , one of our fantastic Joey leaders , lead this camp and managed to put together a team of helpers and coordinate the camping, catering, transport and activities. This is a mammoth task and seeing the photos and smiles on the kids just shows how teamwork and everyone working together with great leadership can make for a successful activity. The event came in just under budget and the new model where leaders and parent helpers didn't have to pay to attend seemed to work well.
Thank you Christine and thank you everyone else that helped
07/03/2024 Our Joeys working hard at the Clean up Australia day this year
Posted WEDNESDAY 19/04
This year as in past years we will meet at 6:50am at the Heidelberg War Memorial for the 7:00am Anzac day service. This service is attended by several hundred people and representatives from most community groups, sporting clubs and schools in the area
Tuesday 25th March 6:50am IN SCOUT UNIFORM
Cnr Studley Road & Burgundy Street, Heidelberg
The service normally runs for about 30 minutes and then there is a march down to Warringal Park ( Beverley rd) where you can get a free hot dog ( Provided by Heidelberg footy club )
Hint-- Park you cars at the football club car park ( Beverley Rd) at 6:30am - walk up the hill to the memorial and then your car will be where you want is after the march down the bottom of the hill when your full of hot dogs.
Posted WEDNESDAY 19/04
RESPONSE form SENT via OPEROO -- The Melbourne gang show is on again.For those of you that have attended a show or participated in the cast or crew you know what a fun event it is and how exited the children are to see live theater. For over seventy years, Gang Show has been providing young people with opportunities to develop confidence, resilience and teamwork through the performing arts... and having plenty of fun along the way! (read more)
10th Ivanhoe has a long history of involvement in this great event and this year we have several members in the cast once again.
10th Ivanhoe will be attending as a group (Mums,dads grand parent,friends and youth members can all attend) on the FIRST SAT matinee (1:15pm) 2:00pm-4:30pm sat 17th JUNE
VENUE The Besen Centre 87-89 Station Street, Burwood (on campus of Mount Scopus Memorial College
Free Pre Show Introduction to Theatre Prior to each matinee performance we invite
youth members to meet some of the cast and learn how we create theatre magic to bring a forest to life. The experience begins at 1:15pm.So please advise ASAP how many tickets you require. I have pre-purchased a large qty (60tickets ) in a big block so that we are all together (however once these are gone and if i have to buy extra they will probably be in a different area.To secure tickets you MUST submit the form below and pay for your tickets - I will NOT allocate any tickets until payment has been received.Please send payment to
10th Ivanhoe Scout group BSB 633 000 ACCOUNT # 183 287 655
Please enter your family name, qty of tickets and the words GANG SHOW as your payment reference -
Posted MONDAY 17/04
On Monday 24th April ( 6:30pm) the cub section is doing there planning for term 2. We currently have two new leaders Dan and Simon and they need your help. They have put together a draft program and so that we can make this happen we require every adult to participate and assist., Several of our cub parents are already registered as Adult Supporters and have committed to assist, and it would be really nice if the others also assisted. FYI to help out on cub nights, assist with transport or attend camps you MUST be registered as an Adult supporter,m adult helper or a leader
Our current adult supporters are Dennis & Yuki Cheog , Eran & Yafit Hirshler , Wolfgang Kainz, Neil Lawson, Christina & Jonathan Levin, Stacey Morland, Stephanie Richardson, Veron Teo, Eliona Wu, Chetna & Aman Gupta (and registration currently being processed- Danielle Dexter, Mary Gao,
Our district Cub Leader, "Peter Owen" will also be attending to assist us and presenting a quick run down on Cuboree 23 ( https://scoutsvictoria.com.au/activities-events/events/cubs/)
So please please please come along and help - To make the program fun everyone needs to participate and everyone needs to help
Posted 13/04
I hope you all had a great Easter and those lucky enough are enjoying the Easter school holidays.
The scout census is now complete and our numbers have remained relatively stable. We are pretty full in the Joey and Cub units and we have a few places available in Scout and Venturer units at the moment.
So if you have friends looking to join please be aware that particularly in Joeys and cubs they may have to go onto our waiting list.
Term two is a busy few months for scouting. Cubs are preparing for Cuboree in Term three and the scouts have scout hike in May. The section leaders will give you more details on these activities as they became available.
Around the hall
We have been pretty busy around the hall, Dennis Cheong has almost finish installing all the sound and security system . It should be done soon after the wiring man ( me) has finished of all the cat 6 plugs. This will give us a fantastic video and audio experience inside the hall as well as security cameras wifi and internet access.
Karl in the Q store has completed our new portable hot water service. .This will be a great asset at scout hike and Cuboree and other big camps.
Pressurized continues hot water is something your really appreciate after a few days in the bush.
The Bathroom has also had an upgrade and the little tiny sink has been replaced with a far more function trough. Two or three cubs can wash there hand at the same time and you can wash your paint brushes and fill up water containers.
The big mirror has also been attached to the wall so that I can see what hair I have left when combing it
We also had a small clean up around the hall and a big trailer load of rubbish was taken to the tip
Posted TUESDAY 14/02
Scouts had a great time last night heading into the city and doing a photo scavenger hunt.
Posted MONDAY 13/02
Cubs was in full swing last night -- lots of new members and a hall full of happy kids. They made mini catapults in the hall and then got to shoot some projectiles on the large catapults out in the car park.
10th Ivanhoe is a medium sized scout group and we pride ourselves on providing an excellent program with a suitable ratio of trained adult leaders to youth members.
JOEY UNIT (5-7 yrs) NOW at capacity As we currently only have two Joey leaders our capacity is about 20 Joeys. We may take some more in Term two when some of the existing Joeys move up to cubs or if we get another Joey leader.
CUB UNIT (8-11 yrs) We only have a few places available and these will be prioritized to children where an adult is able to offer the assistance as a leader or Adult helper
SCOUT UNIT (11-15yrs) We only have a few places available and these will be prioritized to children where an adult is able to offer the assistance as a leader or Adult helper
VENTURE'R UNIT (15-18yrs) Some places available
UPDATES - The new member information sheet and registration process information sheet have been updated
posted JAN 27th 2023
2023 Start dates for units
JOEYS Existing members start Thursday 2nd Feb 6pm & new members start Thursday 9th Feb 6pm Wallace st
CUBS Monday 6th February 6:30pm Wallace st
SCOUTS Tuesday 7th Feb ( Unit council Jan 30th)
VENTURERS Wednesday 1st February 7:30pm Wallace st
Scouts Victoria census is on April 1st 2023 and 10th Ivanhoe will register all members that are financially paid up at this time. The invoices for membership fees will be sent out in early February and must be paid before March 25th. Registration & insurance fees have been set by branch at $260 for the year 1pril1 2023 > March 31st 2024. District have set there levy at $20 ( there is also a once of $50 fee for new members to cover the cost of the scarf,badges, book and group polo shirt) Membership fees for 10th Ivanhoe have been set by the committee at $240. Discounts are available for children of our trained leaders. This year the committee has also implemented a PARTICIPATION levy of $200 per family . This will be invoiced separately at census this year and is payable on the 31st April 2024. The amount can be reduced through attendance and participation of the PARENT / FAMILY at the approved fund raising , working bee or service activities during the year. ( see details at https://www.10thivanhoe.com/group-committee/particpation-levy
UPDATE JAN 17 2023
The group council meeting last night ( jan16th) was productive and several critical issues discussed and some actions to follow.
Group Fees for 2023>2024 will be the same for all sections and set at $240 per youth member. Branch fees are now $260 , District $20 and there is a new member fee of $50 ( for group scarf, badges ,activity shirt and record book )
Trained leaders will NOT pay group fees ( first child ) and 1/2 for subsequent children - ie $240 discount
A participation levy $200 ( per family) will be implemented to help address the NON participation at Xmas tree selling and working bees, This will be waived with a recorded 15 hours service over the next 12 months. ( excludes camps and weekly meeting nights) however may be adjusted for new leaders in training and active committee members.
Possible group camp and sailing day in early 2024.
start dates for each unit confirmed ( as above)
All sections wish to attend region camp - parent help -cooks etc required
As i previously reported 10th Ivanhoe topped the state for sales of raffle tickets $9296 . well done !!!
I think that lots of people have now realized the great opportunity in selling these raffle tickets.Clearly you get a chance to win a car and lots of other great prizes and your children ( the sellers) also contribute with there efforts towards there own activities and fees.
Every ticket sold and every dollar made goes back directly to YOUR scout account. So many of the members of our group now have credits that can be spent on anything scouting. Camp, uniform, activities or fees. Just let me know what scouting item and when you want your money and we will pay it for you or transfer the money back to you.
Please see your current balance at https://www.10thivanhoe.com/group-committee/youth-funds
FYI - there are a few transaction that i am unable to identify who to attribute the sales towards, so if you think you amount is incorrect please let me know
On the evening of Monday 16/01/23 7:30pm we will be having our first group council meeting for 2023.
The group council is a meeting of the group committee and the unit leaders. Some scout groups have these meetings independently and some combine them. I prefer in most instances to have everyone together where possible.
For our first meeting this year i am inviting all adults in our group to attend. If you would like to offer some assistance to the group. Maybe joining the committee, become a leader or you just want to see what goes on, this is your opportunity.
I would ask all leaders, adult helpers and committee to please attend if possible.
RSVP Friday 13/01/23 gl.10thivanhoe@scoutsvictoria.com.au
I you have items to put on the agenda please send them to me ASAP
I will send out the finalized agenda a few days before the meeting
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a fun new year.
So as we head into 2023 there have been a few changes in our scout group. As I mentioned late last year our treasurer Holly Grant resigned from the role. After several years of great service to the group she has decided to take a break. The committee and leaders thank Holly for her service. We now have a new treasurer, Jonathan Levin – thank you Jonathan for stepping up so quickly and filling this important role.
Edward Tax our group committee chairman has also resigned. Having no children in the group anymore and due to work commitments. Thank you Edward for your service to the committee and previously as a leader in our group.
Also our Cub Leader Fiona Sealey is hanging up her Woggle. After over 26 years of service to the group and to scouting she has decided it’s time to move on and let others take over. Fiona is a big loss for our cub unit, and her patience and calm manner With the children will be severely missed. I am sure everyone will join me in thanking her and wishing her all the best in the future.
Monster Raffle 2022. 10th Ivanhoe topped the seller list for the state with sales of $9366. Thanks to one or two big sellers and lots of other participants. So all $9366 will be allocated back to youth members in our scout group youth members to spend on any scout related activity. Fees, camps, uniforms, training courses etc. Just let me know what you want to use your money for.
XMAS Tree fundraiser. Thank you to everyone that came along and helped this year. Through the efforts of the families in our group we raised almost $15,000. This will help us keep our fees at a reasonable level and allow us to buy equipment and do a few more projects around the hall.
Hall Cleaning. Thank you to all the families who have done their part to keep the hall clean by fulfilling their cleaning roster duties on their allocated Sunday. The hall is looking much cleaner than it has been for a while thanks to you! For those who are on the roster for 2023, please remember to rock up on your allocated Sunday. Thank you in advance for helping to keep our hall clean!
2023. The challenge ahead for me as the group leader is to try to fill some of the vacated roles and to keep our fantastic scout group moving along.
After a few years of building works at the hall, we are approaching the end of the planned works projects. These projects are: renovate venturer den build Q-store, renovate hall, bathrooms, kitchen, leader room, rebuild back stairs, concrete driveway, rebuild retaining wall and finally install internal stairs up to the stage. Most of these are done or just require a lick of paint to finish them off. The projects to be done this year are the outside front parade ground and the landscaping and garden works down near the Venturer den. We have received some funding through a grant and with the help of some of the funds raised through the Xmas tree selling fundraiser we should be able to knock these over this year.
FEES for 2023. The scout year starts on the 1st of April 2023 and ends on 31st March 2024. Branch has already confirmed an increase of about $15 to $260 for registration and insurance for youth members. There is also a $20 district levy. We are hoping to keep 10th Ivanhoe group fees at a similar or lower rate to 2022 with the possible introduction of a working bee levy to help offset this. I.e. attend working bees and the Xmas fundraiser, join the committee or become a leader and you don’t pay the levy. This is currently under review and the committee should have the group fees finalised by the end of January or early Feb and invoices for 2023 will go out soon afterwards.
WAITING LIST – MEMBERSHIP We have several new members on the waiting list that will be starting with us in 2023 and January & February is always our biggest intake period. Our group is currently pretty full in all the units full so if you are not planning to attend 10th Ivanhoe in 2023 could you please let me know as soon as possible so that I can remove you from our list also not waste time sending you an invoice.
Christmas tree sales 2022 CLOSED
Thank you to everyone in the group that came along to help sell trees. We sold over 500 trees on the two weekends and through our online sales portal. This will now give us the funds to run our scout group through 2023 an to help with a few projects around the hall.
We have received confirmation that we were successful in the 2022- 2023 Banyule Community Grant and will receive $4048 toward technology modernization at the hall. Thank you Denis and Rachel for putting the time in and achieving this fantastic result. The hall will now get NBN , internet , Wifi as well as improved security, video and audio equipment.
We have also been successful in our grant application for First aid training- this will allow us to have about 15 of or adult and older youth members attend a level 2 first aid / CPR course. I am sure everyone understands the importance that our leaders maintain there first aid qualifications and where possible we will pay for our older youth members to attend as they are often called on to assist with running activities for the younger members
From the group leader.
I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and a fun new year. I think that we have a currently have great bunch of families at 10th Ivanhoe. The support that i have received and the parent help and participation is at an all time high. Our committee is functioning and we have a few new leaders that have recently started . At 10th Ivanhoe we are very focused on creating an environment where everyone feels part of a scouting community through participation and enjoyment by seeing there children gain skills and have great experiences at scouts. Scouting in 2022 has been exiting and challenging and and after five years we have almost completed our move to the new hall. There is a bit more to go at Wallace st and with funds becoming available for some of the outside gardening works we should see some improvement there early in 2023. The committee has discussed plans to do some more works around the hall and there a few project in the pipe line for latter in the year. Our membership is quite high at the moment and there will only be very limited places available for new members in 2023. I already have an extensive waiting list and we will be challenged to find places for new inquiries. If you have friends or family that are looking to join please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you 10th Ivanhoe -- Merry Christmas
Peter Baranow GL
Cencus is now complete ( 31st March) an i am pleased to report that our numbers have grown over the past year . Youth 73 ( in 2021) and now 83 in 2022 that's a 13.7% growth . This is a clear reflection on the fantastic program that is being run by our leaders. Well done team. We are almost back to our record numbe of youth ( 85) from 2019 & 2020.
New Group President : a few weeks ago Edward tax ( former Venturer leader) was appointed as the 10th Ivanhoe group president. The first we have had in many years., Edward has quickly grasped taken on the role and started to shake things up. The committee is now coming back to life with lots of new positions being filled and regular meetings and planning.
Group President Edward Tax
Treasurer Jonathan Levin
Secretary Myra Stirling
Assistant treasurer Gavin Donahue
Fundraising Elise Wu
Marketing Lara Finlayson
Membership officer Stacey Morland
Grants Rachel Levin
Assistant Grants Petra Schell
Quartermaster Karl Theunissen
Recruitment Nick Laven
Badges Denis Cheong
UPDATE DEC 13 2021
Unfortunately Xmas tree sales this year were disappointing as we were unable to get as many tress as we wanted. In a normal year we would sell around 550 trees however due to several factors we could only get 371 . Our two regular suppliers are saying that they have had a huge increases in demand and a lack of labor to groom , cut and prepare trees. This will unfortunately leave us with a bit of a funding void for next year. This combined with all the expenses of the building refurbishment project at the Wallace street hall will require us to look closely at our budget for next year.
THANK YOU -- to all the families that helped with Xmas tree sales,collection , deliveries and unloading etc etc . Its been a huge team effort once again and it is really fantastic to see families help out at this type of event so that the leaders now have the resources to provide the great programs for the next year.
XMAS PARTY - Group Xmas party ( brought to you by our venturer unit) is this Wednesday (15/12/21) 6:30pm - I hope to see everyone there , and thank you to those that responded promptly to Edwards Operoo from )
We also wish our Scouts and leaders heading of to Jamboree in a few weeks all the best., Jamborees are with out doubt the most fun filled and exiting activity any scout can participate in. The experiences and friendships made on a Jamboree will stay with them for ever and the stories and adventures will told around the camp fires for many years.
Merry Xmas to everyone
UPDATE NOV 11 2021
The Wallace st hall renovation are winding up and the scaffolding has been removed and over the next week the builder will be moving out. The hall looks fantastic . So now our work begins. Shortly i will be calling out for a WORKING BEE to paint. We need to paint the inside of the hall , kitchen the new bathrooms and the leader room. So clean of your paint rollers and find you painting cloths as its a pretty big job. As usual the more help we get the easier and quicker it is for everyone.
UPDATE 22/09/21
Recent changes to the scout insurance requirements for trailers has meant that we must have a wheel lock installed be covered. So this week we installed a wheel lock on the Big white trailer and also the 6x7 tandem. The key to these are with myself ( Peter B group leader and Karl T quartermaster ) So if you need to use the trailer you will need to contact one of us for the key.
The Wallace st hall renovations have come to a stop as the builder have been locked out for two week due to the governments current industrial sector shutdown. This will probably push the completion date out towards the end of October
Updated 06-09-2021
The Wallace street renovation are progressing slowly. Unfortunately due to the current covid restrictions our builders are only permitted 5 worker on site at any time. We anticipate that they will have completed the works towards the end of September. After they move out we need to complete some works ourselves. This includes lining the upstairs Leaders meeting room and painting . We will have a big weekend working bee ( DATE TBA)
Updated 19-07-2021
The Wallace street renovations have began. The builders have moved in and in about 10 weeks we should see our hall transformed. During this period all units will be meeting at the Ford street hall as your normal times. Including the dancing and Zomba classes This period will be a little difficult and we will need to move in and out of thew hall quickly so that we dont hold up those coming in before or after you. Extra lighting has been provided at the front gate and stairs and a hand rail to make it safer on the sometimes slippery stairs.
The working bee a few weeks ago to clean out the hall was a huge success. We had lots and lots of families turn up to help. Everything on the stage and upstairs Q-store was moved and we filled the huge skip. . Thank-you everyone for you assistance
Update 19-04-2021
The Wallace street renovation are now getting very close Our funding has been finalized ( money from many different sourc3es) Including $40K for 10th Ivanhoe ) WE are currently finalizing contracts and a few details and all going well we expect to start the works towards the end on MAY. Owen Mead ( Architect, Parent & scout leader) has spent hundreds of hours working with Branch to get this on its way and we should soon see the results of all his has work.
WORKING BEE In preparation for our building we will be running a working bee at Wallace street. We require ADULTS - Scouts and older to help move stuff from the rooms into the middle of the hall and to help fill the skip with the accumulated rubbish. DATE TBA ( as soon as we get a building start date ) I will let every one know.
52 Ford Street Ivanhoe
8a Wallace street Ivanhoe
Established 1945
We currently have two halls. Ford st and Wallace street Ivanhoe. Cubs Joeys and Scouts meet at Ford street and Venturers meet at Wallace street. As we complete the renovation to Wallace street we will be moving all sections over to Wallace street during 2020
Our Scout group is one of the most progressive in the district. We now have active members and leaders in all age groups from Joeys 6-8yrs,Cubs 8-11 yrs , Scouts 11-15 yrs and, Venturers 15-18 yr and Rovers 18 - 25 yrs. All sections currently have qualified and trained leaders
JOEYS THUR 6:00>7:00pm CUBS MON - 6:30 >8:00pm SCOUTS TUE 7:00>9:00pm VENT WED 7:30>9:30pm ROV THUR 7:30>9:30PM
Our Scout Group, like all other groups, is a family organization, and it is the participation of the members and their families that have made us so successful. All our leaders and committee members are parents of past or present members of our Scout Group. Some have been leaders for over 25 years and others have just begun. We do not get any financial assistance from the scout association and the training of leaders, management and funding of our hall and most other activities is provided from the annual fees and occasional fund raising activity. The scout association through its portion of the annual fees gives us the infrastructure and support required to provide scouting programs.
Cubs meet on Monday nights, Joeys and Scouts meet on Tuesday nights, and Venture's meet on Wednesday nights,Rovers meet on Thursday nights at a different hall. Many of the meetings are held in our own Scout hall at Ford Street Ivanhoe and others are held at outside venues depending on the particular activity. WE ARE SCOUTS AND WE LOVE TO DO ACTIVITIES IN THE OUTDOORS.
A few of our leaders help run the Scouting around show on the 96.5 inner FM radio station The show is on every thurday from 6pm till 7 pm. Often we have youth members coming it to talk about their scouting adventures.
Waiting. Lost of cubs all waiting for their turn to zoom down Billy cart mountain. It can be a little scary the first time but every one had a go.
And its badge time. As part oi the end of year celebrations, we had out lots of badges that the cubs have earned over the past few months.
10,000 scouts had a fantastic time in Adelaide at the 2019 Jamboree.
10th Ivanhoe formed troop B311 with scouts from Bendigo and Brunswick
Feading time at Jamboree
Having fun
best friends
Vicon Green screen
Six scouts planned the journey and rode along the Rail trail from Mansfield to Trawool.
3 days,2 nights with no adult support.
If you would like to learn more about our Group give us a call on 0474 761281
Our group leader would be pleased to discuss any areas of scouting with you and you are also most welcome to come along to a meeting to get some idea of what scouting is all about.
Our group leader is Peter Baranow and he heads our scout group. He is also the leader representative of the committee. Peter has been in Scouts for over 25 years and his children were all members of our group. The committee is represented by many of the enthusiastic parents of members of our group. . The committee meets every few months and each position actively assists the group in achieving our objectives.
Our Group occupies the Scout Hall at 8A Wallace street Ivanhoe is freehold property owned by the scout association .All other assets ( tables chairs, camping equipment, trailers etc) is funded by the former and current members of 10th Ivanhoe scout group and all of this is ultimately owned by the Scout association.