Out scout group would not function without the volunteer support of the mothers, fathers grandparents and friends of our scouts. Every family must offer there support to the group in some way through a variety of different areas. Please read bellow the jobs that we need filled. If you would like to offer your assistance please let me know

Peter B Group Leader


  • Joey Leader / AH Christine Denton JSL , Greg Newman (PAJL)

  • Cub Leader / AH Karen Thomson ( CSL) , Dean Baranow (CSL) , Danial Bishop (PCSL)

  • Scout Leader /AH Derek Wright (SL) ,Owen Meade (AH), David Cureton ( PSL) , Ming Kok ( AH), Nick Levin (PASL)

  • Venturer Leader /AH Michael Free (VL),

  • Rover Advisor TBA

  • Group Leader Peter Baranow (GL)


  • Group President Vacant

  • Secretary Myra Stirling ( AH)

  • Treasurer Jonathan Levin

  • Quartermaster Karl Theunissen

  • Fundraising Elise Wu

  • Marketing Lara Finlayson

  • XMAS tree sales team Michael Free, Jackie Free, Elise Wu

  • Grants Rachel Levin , Petra Schell

  • Major events Carla Veith-Carter, Stacey Morland

  • Badge/Scarf secretary Denis Cheong

  • Recruitment

  • Memberships Stacey Morland