This policy applies to all events organised by the 10th Ivanhoe Scout Group, including camps, sleepovers, outings and courses. It has been put in place to ensure that our leaders can effectively and efficiently manage the logistics of planning and executing events in a way that is fair to all involved.
Registration / RSVPs
All members wishing to participate in an event must register / RSVP by the deadline given for that event. A registration deadline will be stated clearly in the event invitation / notification.
Late registrations / RSVPs will not be accepted.
Some events involve a fee to cover costs, eg admission fees, transport and food.
If a fee is payable for an event, the fee must be paid by the payment deadline given for that event. A payment deadline will be stated clearly in the event invitation / notification.
A payment deadline for an event may be the same as the registration deadline for that event. Even if the payment deadline occurs on a later date, members are strongly encouraged to pay the event fee at the same time as they register / RSVP for that event.
If a member registers / RSVPs for an event and does not pay the event fee by the payment deadline, the 10th Ivanhoe Scout Group reserves the right to cancel that member’s registration for that event and to assume that the member will not be participating in the event.
Cancellations and Refunds
If a member cancels their registration for an event at least [30] days before the date of the event, a full refund of any event fee paid will be provided.
If a member cancels their registration for an event less than [30] days but more than [72] hours before the event, a refund (whether whole or partial) will be made at the discretion of the Group Leader in consultation with the Treasurer. The discretion of the Group Leader to provide a refund will take into account the upfront costs and overheads (eg, reservation fees, food, supplies etc) that have already been incurred in relation to the event and the extent to which they may be recoverable.
If a member cancels their registration for an event [72] hours or less before the event, no refund will be provided as the Group will have already purchased goods and services on the member’s behalf in expectation of their member’s participation.