Hello 10th Ivanhoe leaders and adult supporters

We have recently received a grant and funding that will allow us to run a first aid course at our hall  ( HLTAID011 Provide First Aid),. We have funding for 20 participant. As leaders and adult supports are most important I have only sent this email to this group for now.

COURSE DATE March 8th 2023 ( Wednesday ) evening -- starting at 6:00 pm -  duration 3 hours

PRE-COURSE  requirements-   Once i receive your confirmation i will register you with the training organization and they will send you the pre-course booklet and links

Please RSVP before 31st January 2023.

On 1st Feb ( if there are places remaining) i will open this up to our Venturer's and older scouts

Course summary:    Practical skills including

CPR (adult and infnant)   Anaphylaxis -epipen , Asthma - Puffer and Spacer 4x4x4, Choking , Bleeding , Snake Bites ,Shock

HLTAID011 Provide First Aid is a nationally recognised course and participants will obtain a nationally recognised certificate upon successful completion.